Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Pearl Harbor News on December 7, 1941, stirs emotions for Irvine Flats ranchers

How did Pearl Harbor affect people in the Irvin Flats area?

George (aka known as Georgie on this blog) Halverson remembers that on the day of December 7, 1941, the day the Japenese bombed Pearl Harbor. He was riding home from school on his horse and a car came zooming down the road towards him.  It was the Merritts, homesteaders that lived above the Halversons, and they were telling George about the Pearl Harbor bombing and how terrible it was.

It is my understanding that one of the Merritt boys enlisted in the Army soon after the bombing.

George would turn 8 years old on December 11th of 1941.

George said that during the war the people would hear about all of the battles of WWII on the radio.  He remembers quite clearly about what was going on as even though Irvine Flats was miles away from the WWII action it was prevalent in every one's mind. 

In fact, George remembers having fears that the Japanese would fly over Irvin Flats and bomb the area.

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