Monday, September 8, 2014

Rose and son Harold on Irvine Flats with a vintage car behind them.

Rose Halverson with son Harold on Irvine Flats 

This picture must have been taken by George Halverson, husband and father to Rose and Harold. The picture was taken next to the house as the road going by their ranch house can be seen in the background.  I believe Harold was born in 1908 so a guess as to how old he is in this picture would be 20 years old or so which would have been in 1928.

I am unsure what kind of car is pictured.

I talked with my Grandma Lilly today (September 9, 2014) and asked if she knew what type of car this would have been.

Lilly said that the only car she remembers Harold owning was a nice blue and white convertible. She thinks that George and Rose bought it for Harold. There may have been one payment for which  Harold had to earn the money. 

Lilly said that she remembers a canvas material on the back of the car  and if one looks closely at this picture one can see some sort of material on the back of the car so I believe this is the same car my grandmother remembers.

It appears the top of the car is white and perhaps the back panel may also be white. The rest of the car must be blue.

Of interest, is that after Harold and Lilly were married they converted the car into a truck so that they could put boxes in it to haul things.

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